Seasonal Flowers and CSAs

Spring and Summer Flowers

Flowers are typically available for weekday orders May - September; as long as I have availability, I’m happy to fill your orders for birthdays, parties, showers, and small weddings. Call or email to order!

Flower Subscriptions

Flower Subscriptions (aka: CSAs) are an integral part of our flower farm. Subscriptions help pay for our farm needs and expenses in the off season and members get a share in the seasonal harvest. Each week of your summer flower share, you will receive the freshest flowers and the best of what is blooming. We love our subscription members so much!

Black Dog Flower Co.: 2024 Bouquet CSA/Subscription

What is a CSA?

CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture.  Investing in a CSA means you are investing in the future of a family and their farm. The purpose of a CSA is to connect the consumer and producer and by investing in your subscription, you are helping pay for supplies and sharing in the harvest.  As you will find out, harvest can be very different from week to week and even day to day. Your bouquets will most likely differ in flowers and size, but you will always get the retail value of each bouquet and most likely much more.  The 2024 Bouquet CSA is essentially a weekly or biweekly/monthly bouquet subscription that runs for 12 weeks during the 2024 growing season.  

Who you are supporting: Black Dog Meadows Flower Farm is located in Hudson, MI, and we are moving into our sixth growing season.  It is owned by Dana Hicks, who couldn’t do it without the help of her husband Eric.  We grow gorgeous specialty cut flowers without using chemicals, pesticides or insecticides, and we always try to do what is best for the soil, bees, and butterflies.  

As well as growing flowers for CSAs, we specialize in year round wedding design, take custom orders during the growing season, do wreaths, floral design workshops, and we open the farm up during the summer months for visits. Everything here is seeded and planted by hand, dug by hand, and cleaned up by hand.  It's hard and dirty work but also so beautiful and rewarding.

In a nutshell: 

Your support at the front end of our season (during the fall and winter months) helps us buy what we need to grow gorgeous flowers, and in return, you will receive BEAUTIFUL bouquets for your enjoyment (or as a gift you could give to others).  CSA members get the best of what is blooming and your weekly bouquets will reflect the diverse succession of blooms throughout the summer. Your flowers are NEVER older than 24 hours by the time they get to your pick up location.  

If you plan to become a part of our CSA:  

CSAs can VARY GREATLY from week to week.  For example, If your CSA week misses a sunflower bloom by 3 days, you might not get sunflowers that week or the next and another CSA might. Dahlias might bloom later than anticipated - or sooner!  We can never guarantee anything specific but we do guarantee beautiful farm flowers every week.  You get what is blooming and you get the freshest possible flowers! They are ALWAYS worth the retail value, are unique, smell amazing, and last long when properly cared for. Flowers are typically placed into mason jars; this is not high end design, but they are very beautiful. Your flowers will vary in colors and style greatly from week to week…if you are picky, this might not be the option for you. Subscription members should be open to all colors (brights, lights, muted, etc.), styles, and going with the flow of the season! In my opinion, this is what makes it fun!!   

This year's CSA will run 13 weeks; July - September.  Price of a full subscription will be $290 and the price of a biweekly subscription is $145.  Tax will be added as well.  We are limited to 15 members per pick up day/location in order to assure enough flowers for everyone.  Subscriptions will be in mason jars that should get returned weekly.  

Your Three Options (same as last year!): 

  • THURSDAY - Sandbar Cafe- WEEKLY SUBSCRIPTION: Your bouquets will be available for pick up weekly, on THURSDAYS, during business hours at the Sandbar Cafe, starting at 9am of that day.   

    • Dates - July: 11, 18, 25. Aug: 1, 8, 15, 22, 29. Sept: 5, 12, 19, 26.  

  • TUESDAY - BROOKLYN - BIWEEKLY: Your bouquets will be available for pick up on TUESDAY at Kate’s Art School during business hours of 11am and 7pm.  

    • Dates - July: 9, 23. Aug: 6, 20. Sep: 3, 17. 

  • MONDAY - MORENCI - BIWEEKLY - Your bouquets will be available for pick up on Monday at the Stair District Library from 4-7pm.

    • Dates - July: 15, 29. Aug: 12, 26. Sept: 9, 23.  

**Any bouquets not picked up by the end of the next day are graciously gifted to the businesses and their employees**

How to care for your fresh cut flowers:

-Fresh cut flowers are THIRSTY.  Please make sure you give them plenty of water those first few days.  They will drink their jar dry quickly. 

-DO NOT use softened water. The salt content kills flowers prematurely.  House plants don’t like it either!

-Recut the stems for good water uptake. 

-Keep out of sun, heat, and away from ripening fruit for the longest vase life.